



Company Profile

Tropos AR believes that the visual layer of the Metaverse will be dominated by Augmented Reality. We aim to offer access to an native technology driven AR cloud, to companies big or small, without the need for ‘Gatekeeper’ platforms. By integrating the Tropos AR SDK, companies or content creators can focus on only the content, as all other technical hurdles are gone. Tropos AR believes in a future of Data Dignity. Where data is owned, controlled and monetised by the parties that generate it, not by the channel through which it was created. Our combined effort of both corporations and consumers will decide what the Metaverse will end up becoming. At Tropos AR, we offer the tools to turn the next ’spatial web’ generation of the internet into a place which is free, driven by ethical forms of gamification and true valuable rewards. By combining AR with technologies like Non Fungible Tokens, we allow the internet to move away from the predominant ‘mix content with ads’ business model and offer digital content which is geolocation locked, unique and holds true monetary value.
