


To give everyone the opportunity to enjoy the event, this year edition will be both online and offline.
Attendees will have the possibility to choose between two different participation modes, virtual and in presence.
All contents of the forum, including main stage activities, networking, demonstrations and expo area will be available LIVE.


The Mission

Change your business with Digitalization

The pandemic did not stop us, but it compelled us to rethink our business models. In 2022 digital solutions won't be an option anymore but will play a key role in the future development of any industry, both on B2B and B2C alike. The EU CBEC FORUM 2021 wants to bridge SMEs with service providers and e-commerce experts to support companies along their path to go digital and find new business opportunities through cross-border e-commerce.


Why Wallonia?

A strategic hub for
Cross-Border E-commerce

Lying at the heart of Europe, Wallonia (the French-speaking region of Belgium) is able to access a market of up to 500 million consumers within one day. It is a region naturally open to the world, a place with a liberal business environment without restrictions for foreigners. It is very export-oriented, making 70% of its turnover on exports with one of the highest export rates in the world (EU average: 30%).


The Location

Liege airport

Liege airport ranks 6th among the Top 10 freight airports in Europe. Thanks to its wide array of services and its position at the heart of Europe, it’s been chosen by worldwide renown logistics operators, such as FEDEX/TNT, Cainiao and Airbridge Cargo, as a strategic base for their European Network. With its 24/7 multimodal logistics platform, LGG is now one of the most prominent nodes for cross-border e-commerce in Europe.


200+ attendees participating online and on site, in compliance with all due safety measures and regulations,
to experience first hand the combination of the online and offline models

30+ speakers connected from home and physically present on main stage,
with cross-field expertise and backgrounds in e-commerce, logistics, and internationalization for SMEs

20+ exhibitors connected virtually and in presence, among which will feature international online platforms
& marketplaces, e-commerce and logistics service providers

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The Expo Area

The Expo area will host physical booths organized inside LGG Terminal 1, where manufacturers, brands and digital service providers will be able to meet and engage in networking activities. Exhibitors unable to attend in presence will have their own online booth with video and promotional materials to display their services and products. They will be able to use the online functions of the event to interact with all attendees and meet them virtually, and their logos will be displayed together in a special groupage booth on site.

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The Forum Area

The Forum area will feature a main stage for all info sessions and workshops hosted during the two days of the event. Keynote speakers and C-level players will take turns explaining how SMEs can integrate digital solutions within their business models. These in-depth lessons will be streamed live constantly on Zoom during the event, together with parallel sessions only available online to give as much content as possibile to all attendees participating to the event, with the recordings available on demand to membership pass holders.

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The Lab Area

The Lab area will be a place to experiment directly the power of digitalization. Here practical demonstrations of all concepts and theories explained on main stage will take place, in order to give a first hand impression of what the digital transformation can do. The Lab will offer to the EU CBEC Forum 2021 attendees two main activities: a live streaming studio with Chinese influencers selling Belgian products from LGG directly to the final consumers based in China, and an area to try new retail models.


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Wallonia Export Investment Agency

The Wallonia Export-Investment Agency (AWEX), is a Public Interest Organization in Wallonia created in 1998 and part of the Walloon Government. It provides Belgian and foreign companies top-notch consultancy services ranging from human resources to geographical and sectoral prospecting offers to assist them in their international development.



Cross-border, Marketing and much more

Obor Group is a comprehensive and multi-service entity operating on all levels of cross-border e-commerce value chain. The six companies thriving inside its ecosystem cooperate together to provide the best cross-border solutions in supply-chain management, distribution, marketing and communication for European and Chinese Brands seeking to market their own products in the Asian and European Markets.


The Lab Area will present an educational experience for European SMEs to explore innovative instruments and learn how to undertake the digital transformation. Within this area, visitors in presence will be able to explore 3 educational modules devoted to themes including Livestreaming, O2O strategies and New retail.

The Campus

A pop-up campus with in-depth masterclasses dedicated to digital tools that any SME can leverage.

This area will host lessons for any visitor joining the EU CBEC Forum in person, and will provide insights on actionable strategies for SMEs such as video marketing on Youtube, Google Analytics integration and augmented reality.

The Livestreams

A fully fledged livestreaming studio with sessions connecting Liege Airport to both the European and Chinese digital markets.

Livestreams will display different categories of products, from Belgian national food brands to cultural products and touristic destinations, with explanations from professionals and interactions between brands and consumers.

The Toolbox

Consumer journey is now a key topic for any retailer who wants to stay competitive in the post-pandemic era.

The Lab Area Toolbox comes into play with a complete showcase of different online solutions that can be applied directly to offline store designs to provide your customers with engaging and user-friendly purchasing experiences.



A Hiseas Company

Atlas Hiseas (previously Atlas International Culture) is a Belgium-based facilitator, designer & implementer for innovative Sino-European projects in Europe and China since 2013. Active in the sectors of Business Development, Influencer Marketing, Communications & Public Relations, Event Management and Audio-visual Co-production, we are particularly focused on creative & tourism industries and exceed at effective cross-sector collaboration to bring about revolutionary concepts. Strong from our merger with HISEAS Group (leading EU destination management group in China) and acting as a central contact point and a bridge in the EU-China creative and economic exchanges, we own an extensive network with affiliates and representative entities widely established in Chinese and European strategic cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Brussels, Paris, Budapest, Sofia, etc.